Volunteer with us

We are always looking for friendly, dedicated volunteers to serve alongside us. Please use the links below to sign up. Most volunteering takes place Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm.



Food Pantry Volunteers

Help stock the food pantry, Monday - Friday mornings

Assist clients who shop from the pantry, Monday - Friday afternoons


Food2Families Drivers

Deliver groceries to Oak Cliff families facing transportation barriers

One hour of service, two times per month


Clothing Closet Volunteers

Assist Mission Oak Cliff clients as they pick out clothes from the clothing closet, Tuesday afternoons

Help keep the clothing closet clean and stocked

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Volunteer Cook

Prepare and serve lunch for Mission Oak Cliff’s clients experiencing homelessness, Monday - Thursday mornings

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General Morning Volunteers

Help with organizational tasks to help Mission Oak Cliff prepare for our daily client services, Monday - Friday mornings

Task examples: Sort donations; pack hygiene kits; administrative work